Questions and Answers

At Nature’s House we have 1 class which consists of 1 qualified Montessori teacher and an assistant for 6 children (toddlers) of mixed ages (18 months to 3 years).

We start promptly at 08h30 every morning and finish at 12h30. To accommodate working parents, the school door will be unlocked at 07h45.

07:45   Gates open for drop off, free play and settling in

08:30   Bell rings and gate closes, nappy check / toilet routine

08:45   Activity time     

09:30   Nappy check / toilet routine, snack time

10:30   Activity / movement / outside play / arts and craft

11:30   Small snack/Nappy check / toilet routine, clean up

12:00   Music time/ Story time and reflection

12:30   Home time

Children, especially under the age of six are seen as concrete, sensorial explorers and learners engaged in work of  psychological self-construction and functional independence.

All activities are carefully designed to nurture the emotional, intellectual, and physical growth of our children at Nature’s House.

Tanya Jordaan is trained to guide the child to learn through curiosity, providing stimulating situations and hands-on learning opportunities. Tanya provides children with the tools and support they need for optimal healthy development. 

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Respect for others
  • Curiosity, initiative, and independence
  • Play
  • Self-esteem and decision-making capabilities
  • Social and communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Activities that develop concentration
  • Activities that develop large and fine muscle control
  • Activities of numeracy, literature, art, and music
  • A love of learning and respect for our environment

All staff are trained in First Aid. Minor accidents are dealt with in the appropriate manner. All accidents are recorded, and parents informed of the measures that were taken.

In case of injury or illness during school hours, the child will be placed in the sick room with the assistant. Parents will be notified by phone and asked to collect their child.

The admission process will start upon receipt of a completed application form and fee of R200. The applicant’s name is then placed on the school’s waiting list. Once a place becomes available, the next suitable applicant will be contacted, and an interview will be arranged.

  1. Interview
  • An interview is arranged between the child, child’s parents/caregivers, educators/Principal.
  1. Aims:
  • To meet the family.
  • To introduce the family to the school, the methodology and the educators.
  • To determine, at the school’s discretion, whether a child is developmentally and emotionally suited for the relevant programme or should enrolment be postponed to the following year/ half year.
  1. The school may request that a child only spends a couple of hours in the first week of school to settle.
  2. If everything is satisfactory, the child may be offered a place.
  3. A refundable deposit of R2500 is payable on acceptance of your child to the school.
  4. Should your child be accepted into our school, you will be required to sign a Service Agreement.
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